mherger wrote: 
> > I'm running LMS 8.0.0 on Synology NAS so no Spotify on system.
> (Frankly
> > not sure I would be willing trying "messy" workaround solution on NAS
> > even if there was one)
> I still don't know where you got that "messy workaround" from.
Apologies Michael.. probably I misunderstood.. jumping at the moment
between different things and confusing myself  :confused:. 
I meant poll (below) .. most likely I need to read it again .. ignore my
assumption of anything being "messy".. my bad , sorry :p

mherger wrote: 
> Here's the tool I wrote to export the folder information from a Spotify
> installation and transfer it to Spotty:
> It's a Windows executable. IIRC you'd call it like
> findSpotifyFolderFiles.exe yourserver:9000
> Where you put your server's IP or name as "yourserver", and the correct
> port as you're using it to access the web UI.
> -- 
> Michael

Thank you !!

I assume I run it now and then whenever need to update folder structure?
I will definitely check it out. Cheers!

3x Squeezebox Touch, 3x Squeezebox Radio, SqueezeCommander, Logitech
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