pinkdot wrote: 
> Ds218+ and the ds718+ have the same arch. I don't see the 'high' ram
> usage, but don't have any plugins installed. 
> Just for a test I added spotty to LMS, but had almost no effect on ram.
> You can check yourself by disabling all plugins to see what the ram
> usage of LMS 8 is. I doubt it is higher than any previous release.
> Activate the plugins one by one and see which plugin causes the increase
> in ram usage.

I'm absolutely fine with your LMS package ram usage on my DS218+
(expanded to 6GB) .. just trying to help grimmace92, I only assume his
DS1812+ struggles with available ram.
I got to say though that after comparing LMS's instances I was running ,
there seems to be higher ram usage with LMS8.0 vs 7.9
LMS8.0 (your package with spotty and few extra plugins) ~410MB
LMS8.0 (docker image justifiably without additional plugins ) ~350MB 
LMS7.9 (docker image jboels without additional plugins) ~145MB

@grimmace92 Is your NAS ram expanded already? Maybe Raspi for LMS and
NAS for Library could work better for you?

3x Squeezebox Touch, 3x Squeezebox Radio, SqueezeCommander, Material
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