didjean wrote: 
> Thanks for your message. Did that already. Very clear from your
> settings. ;-)
> The only thing is that I don't get the metadata from those Belgian
> stations. But looking closer, it's the broadcaster's fault. I will
> revert to RTBF... But to my own risk: I am not sure RTBF is aware that
> RadioNet is broadcasting their radios. They normally only support
> maradio.be / Radioplayer.be since they have left TuneIn.

Radionet , Radio player and Tunes are not broadcasters - they are
directories.  They all direct a player to the station URL's

Radio.net does not contribute anything additional - no extra metadata.
No centralised metadata feed.  So it can add station without any
additional effort since no metadata to supply..

Tunein is a directory that can adds metadata in terms of content being

Radioplayer is similar but different - it tries to be a centralised
single player.  Hard to see differences sometimes. Radioplayer also has
centralised metadata through common source but not instream of station
URL - so usually requires Radioplayer App to see RadioPlayer provided

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