castalla wrote: 
> Well, I got it installed on Wear OS.  
> As I have no idea how to access it (except by random swipes, etc.) I've
> only seen it appear on the watch intermittently !
> Does anybody know how to access a running app on Wear Os?  Any Dummies'
> guides out there?  
> The guide info for using Wear OS is non-existent

I am no expert, but this is what seems to work for me.

First of all, you do have Squeeze Ctrl installed on the Android phone
with which your watch is paired. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able
to install the companion app on your watch. And, as you said, you have
done that.

Squeeze Ctrl now appears in the app menu on the watch. Tapping it
results in a message telling me that the app has been started on the
phone and can now be accessed through notifications. Going back to the
watch face, I can now swipe up and find the Squeeze Ctrl notification.


Tapping that opens up the full notification, which is slightly larger
than the display.


Swiping up just enough to scroll down one line, I see an "open" button
below the pause button. Tapping "open" will open up the app on the
watch, which provides three buttons:


Does that not work for you?

|Filename: app.png                                                  |

LMS 8 nightly; 3 Squeezelite players connected by powerline ethernet; 5
wireless players connected via Airplay Bridge; 1 SqueezeAmp player
no high-end or esoteric audio gear
1 Squeezebox Radio (upgraded UE Smart Radio) now mostly retired
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