cpd73 wrote: 
> Not currently, and I'm not really sure I see the use case. 

I know I'm in a minority (and maybe quite a small one), but I find
having artwork displayed against pretty much everything very
distracting, especially as many album covers are indecipherable as
thumbnails. (It may be an age-related eyesight thing, but it's certainly
the case for me.)

In many circumstances it also means you can get more lines of content in
a given space, which is good when browsing through lots (hundreds,
thousands) of albums and tracks

cpd73 wrote: 
> However, I'll look into this for the next feature release, and I've
> created an 'issue'
> (https://github.com/CDrummond/lms-material/issues/346) on the github
> page so it is not forgotten.

Many thanks! Much appreciated.

Duet x 3, via various hi-fi. LMS on Raspberry Pi OS (Debian 10) on a
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