expectingtofly wrote: 
> ... for those that would like the "Sounds" experience.
> It currently provides the overall access to the Search capability, the
> Daily picks (promoted content), Music Mixes and curated/categorised
> content.  I plan to continue to develop it to provide access to the
> personalised and subscribed content.
> If anyone wants to join me on this experiment and is happy to try out
> stuff in development... 

I'm not actually a fan of "Sounds" — I was too used to iPlayer Radio,
and I'm too old and set in my ways ;-)

But your plugin is worth it just for the search capability — thanks!

And access to personal subscribed/bookmarked content would be terrific.

So, very happy to try it out as you continue to develop it.

Duet x 3, via various hi-fi. LMS on Raspberry Pi OS (Debian 10) on a
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