jeroen2 wrote: 
> Related to this I would like ti suggest a change to the player dropdown
> in the top left. I always have all players synched, so the interface
> where it gives the player name there doesn't really make any sense (all
> players play the same anyway...) The only reason I sometimes switch
> players in the interface is to change the volume in another room. That
> can also be achieved through the "Manage players" menu, but that's all
> the way at the bottom of the list of players.. 
> So for me it would make much more sense if, in stead of having a player
> dropdown there, it would simply be a button to go to the "manage
> players" screen. 

Sorry, but no. I almost never sync music, and play on a single player -
so having the menu switch player works for me, and having manage at the
bottom. There's too many buttons (on a mobile screen) to add another

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