Ron F. wrote: 
> Craig, I have to say that a reason I post my nitpicks here, is because
> your project is so darn close to perfection. You deserve nothing short
> of a thunderous applause in your material development.

Material Skin is what turned me into a serious member of this community.
When Craig started this thread, just a little more than two years ago, I
was an occasional reader of these forums and had posted a total of nine
times. Following this thread from its beginning, I have learned about
many useful features of LMS that I had been unaware of. Nearly two years
ago, I said that Material was already my favorite tool for controlling
LMS from my phone. It still is, and even though I still prefer the
default interface for many purposes on the desktop, I often turn to
Material there, too. (Especially when doing ad hoc synchronization or
anything that can use Material's multi-select feature.) Material has
enhanced LMS in many ways and continues to add enhancements.

Thanks, Craig! Thunderous applause, indeed!

LMS 8 nightly; 3 Squeezelite players connected by powerline ethernet; 5
wireless players connected via Airplay Bridge; 1 SqueezeAmp player
no high-end or esoteric audio gear
1 Squeezebox Radio (upgraded UE Smart Radio) now mostly retired
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