afriend wrote: 
> Maybe another misunderstanding: I think queries with 'tags:R' *only*
> return the rating value stored in the _LMS_ *tracks_persistent*
> database, *not* the rating value from TrackStat's own database called
> *track_statistics*, although they can be identical.
> So it seems Material gets the rating from the LMS *tracks_persistent*
> database while I thought you'd get it directly from TrackStat using
> -'trackstat', 'getrating', 'track_id'-.
> Now I understand why my plugin never logged any requests from Material.
> Even though I don't use TrackStat anymore my plugin supports the
> 'trackstat', 'getrating', 'track_id' request and returns the keys/values
> 'rating' (0-5) and 'ratingpercentage' (0-100) (just like TrackStat).
> So in short, *if Material requested the rating for a track _directly_
> from TrackStat* using -'trackstat', 'getrating', 'track_id'- * it would
> get the correct answer from my plugin* (as if TrackStat had answered
> it). But 'tags:R' only requests the rating value from the LMS
> -tracks_persistent- database. In my case it will not return anything.
> This database doesn't contain any rating values because I don't use
> TrackStat (don't rate songs in LMS) nor plugins like CustomScan.

No, I do not want to request rating with a separate call - this would be
slow for a large queue of items. I'm *only* going to obtain rating via
the 'R' tags parameter. Why does your plugin not also set the rating in
LMS? TrackStat appears to do this - as in if I set a rating via Material
it is returned in the 'R' parameter.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.
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