bidule wrote: 
> I did what you suggested, adding -d all=info to the squeezelite process,
> here is the result:
> I have a few questions:
> 1) I can't get that information if I run squeezelite as a daemon (-z
> option)

As explained, you have to redirect the output to a file (which should
the case if it's started as a system service, seems to be
You'll have to add  -d all=info to the parameters used by the system
service to start squeezelite,

> 2) I don't understand what is going on with the input sample rate
> [10:53:47.240253] alsa_open:422 opened device default using format:
> S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 0[/B]
> At the begining it is 48000 (as it should be), then it is reasample from
> 48000 to 192000, as it should be too, then, I see alsa open device at
> 44100 ????
later, log says:

    [10:53:47.342959] alsa_open:422 opened device default using format: S32_LE 
sample rate: 192000 mmap: 0

> 4) Getting the samplerate from the log file isn't a high latency way ?
It's as fast as it will get without  modifying squeezelite. (A socket
may be slightly faster (or not, you'd have to check))

> 5) As Squeezelite gets the stream sample rate, it looks to me that
> adding a conditional GPIO from inside Squeezelite should be the most
> efficient way to go, isn't it ?
Yes, but you have to decide if your C skills are up to modifying
squeezelite to do so.

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