expectingtofly wrote: 
> You only need to log in once.  It has a token that is stored in your LMS
> cookies that lasts for 2 years!   Cookies are saved as a file in LMS, so
> unless that is being deleted by something you shouldn't need to log in
> again. very odd.
> Do the menu's report that you need to log in again?
Yes.  I'll do some more tests, but it has happened quite a few times,
and I've only started using the plugin fairly recently.  What could
possibly clear LMS data? 

> No reason why live should not work if it starts to play.  if it is still
> happening we will need to analyse logs to find out what is going on.  It
> uses the same stream as Iplayer, so there is no reason why one should
> work but not the other.
I will endeavour to turn on the plugin debugs logs.  I get hundreds, if
not thousands of these errors with live BBC, so I may have trouble
finding anything else.

LMS 8.1 on PC, Xubuntu 20.04, FLACs 16->24 bit, 44.1->192kbps.  2
Touches & EDO.
LMS plugin UPnP/DLNA Bridge to MF M1 CLiC (A308CR amp & ESLs) & Marantz
CR603 UPnP renderers.  
Also Minimserver & Upplay to same & to upmpdcli/mpd PC renderers.  
Squeezelite to Meridian USB Explorer DAC to PC speakers/headphones.  
Wireless Xubuntu 20.04 laptop firefox/upplay or Android mobile with
Squeeze-Ctrl/BubbleUPnP controls LMS/Minimserver.
PasTim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41642
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=113045

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