agentsmith;203507 Wrote: 
> Craig,
> Your product is looking very hopeful, looks like the holy grail that I
> have been looking for surfing my music and sending to my SB
> I have not figured out from your message below about how to activete
> that registry entry.  My JRiver does not list the sim zones, but I can
> press play from MCSlim and it seems to play whatever is in my JRiver
> queue.
> can you post some instrucitons on how to midify the registry to
> activate the JRiver popup?.

Hi agentsmith,

That method of doing things proved too problematic so I replaced it (in
v1.53) with a function that converts your current MC 'now playing' into
a Slimserver playlist. It's more or less the same thing, you just need
to add your playlist to your MC 'now playing' before transferring it to
Slimserver. You can find it under the MC2Slim menu, be warned though
that it can take a while to build the playlist on Slimserver if it is
large and Slimserver will be unresponsive because of the way commands
are queued.   

agentsmith;203507 Wrote: 
> thanks, great product.  JRiver should pay you commission for bringing
> people to their product.
Thanks again, I'd be happy if they'd get some promised changes done
that would make my life a lot easier :-)



MC2Slim - Windows Shell and J River Media Center Integration for
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