Looking to see if I can get some help on this. I don't use ShairTunes a
lot (only used to stream amazonmusicHD), but just noticed I can no
longer get it to work on any of my devices (Touch, Radio, Slimdevice)
with my iPhone. Last time I used it was probably end of the year or so.
And since then I guess there have been various changes. Home network
kept dropping wifi so we have a new router from Comcast, updated from
7.9.x to 8.1.2, phone is running latest iOS. I get the following message
displayed on my Touch when I attempt connect via airplay:

"Connection reset by
remote host
can't read the next line before it turns off

I had no issues using this on any of my devices before, and I don't
remember having to make any adjustments on the router.

superstar19's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59363
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106289

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