Sorry to go on about this. I'm not sure where else I can discuss this!

I've had a recurrence of the problem - squeezelite not working on an
rPi3 running upgraded Raspbian Lite 10.7 regardless of any option

How I can reproduce it:

1. A fresh flash of Raspbian Lite 32-bit, release 2021-01-11.
2. $ sudo apt install squeezelite and it works exactly as expected with
no need to specify an output.
3. $ sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y
4. After a reboot into the new kernel squeezelite no longer outputs
audio. It appears to run and LMS can see it. Running with the switch -d
infoIt uses resources on the rPi3 (as displayed by $ top) but no audio
plays, and FWIW nothing is output via the visualisation data file in

$ uname -a before the upgrade: Linux raspberrypi 5.4.83-v7+ #1379 SMP
Mon Dec 14 13:08:57 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux

$ uname -a after the upgrade: Linux raspberrypi 5.10.11-v7+ #1399 SMP
Thu Jan 28 12:06:05 GMT 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux

I can't find any other reports of this being an issue, so I'm at a bit
of a loss. At least I have a temporary workaround in the meantime. Any
input, thoughts or ideas would be much appreciated, thank you.

$ squeezelite -d all=info before upgrade:

$ squeezelite -d all=info after upgrade:

$ cat /var/log/apt/history.log

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