jsebright wrote: 
> Hi,
> I've been having a problem that the plugin wasn't loading and it's taken
> a bit of working out. I tried removing the repository, restarting the
> server, adding it back in etc. but that didn't work.
> Left it for a day or so and I've seen that you've been releasing some
> new versions, so carried on trying to find the problem.
> Digging around in the logs I found this:
> > 
  >   > [21-02-14 13:32:17.4145] Slim::bootstrap::tryModuleLoad (286) Warning: 
Module [Plugins::DenonAvpControl::Plugin] failed to load:
  > Can't locate Plugins/DenonAvpControl/Plugin.pm in @INC (you may need to 
install the Plugins::DenonAvpControl::Plugin module)
> > 
> Looking on my server (containered) in the config directory, I found
> that the plugin files were buried under extra folders - the Plugin.pm
> file was actually in 
> *config/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/DenonAvpControl/DenonAvpControl_2_1/DenonAvpControl/*
> Copying all the files (including the HTML folder) up to the right
> folder depth seems to have fixed it for now at least.
> I don't know if the problem is in the repository installer or just in
> my setup. Hopefully this can either help you track down the issue, or
> help others with the same issue.
> Jon.

I have the same problem. In what directory exactly should i copy the
files? Can you point me the way? Thanks!

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