mrw wrote: 
> Bad choice of words. Seen in the log, not heard as a "POP", but heard as
> an interruption in the stream coming at variable intervals. I associated
> it with @staresy's description:
> If you were never experiencing this on your Radio (I don't have a Touch)
> then I'm ... confused. I don't say I heard it every minute on the Radio,
> perhaps after a minute, two minutes, or a few more. Repeating. Very
> noticeable.
> But perhaps there are/were two things going on: (a) just decoding not
> keeping up, and (b) these sudden discontinuous failures as well.
> Yes, 20 seems to be working, and quicker to start. But, I don't know
> what "threshold=204800" means in your log, I am seeing
> "threshold=20480".
> I've never studied any of this.

Sorry, Yes, I didn't think you had "POP" in the logs.  I just meant that
I've hadn't noticed it.  I'll have another listen to the url stream from
staresy more closely.

The value is how much data needs to be in the decode buffer (in KB)
before starting playback.  "threshold=204800" is what you should see in
the logs using a server side output threshold = 50.  "threshold=20480"
is what you should see using a value of 20.

If you look at Player/ you'll see that the outputThreshold
is set differently to handle different stream formats, like higher bit
rates  or higher sample rates.  The value can also be overridden in a
protocol handler.

Both ogg and opus have a default outputThreshold of 20.  I suspect that
0 was used for aac back when were very few aac streams and most were not
streaming anywhere near the 320@48Khz used by the BBC.

As a test I set the outputThreshold to 0 for ogg and tried playing
320@48Khz ogg stream and I get similiar behaviour to what we're seeing
with aac and 0.

Again thanks for testing.  I don't know what else I can do with the aac
decoder, so if changing the default aac output threshold server side
doesn't break any other streams, I'll create a pull request to have it
changed in the dev branch of LMS.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *2*-UE Radio
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