Jaca wrote: 
> Thanks Michael, Thats brilliant! 
> On Jivelite (Touch) "Add Track to Playlist" doesn't work. All you get
> its spinning circle. 
> In terms on app. I only really use Material APK which behaves same as
> browser Material interface..( "Add Track to Playlist" works fine but
> without confirmation message, just shows Playlist name and Empty)
> I will dig up/install some other apps to test further and report later.

Ok I tested 2 apps: 

1. Very old&wonderful (sadly obsolete) Squeeze Commander  :   "Add Track
to Playlist"  works fine . There is also no confirmation that song been

2. Orange Squeeze (not sure if its old version,found it on other phone)
: "Add Track to Playlist"  works fine . There is also no confirmation
that song been added and weirdly play queue jumps to different place
after adding (perhaps to top) 

btw On both apps there is no folder structure of Spotify playlists when
using "Add Track to Playlist"   (same as on web interfaces)

ps there is also another possibly confusing aspect: 

"Add Track to Playlist" seems to relate to playlists on Spotify but in
Material skin there is also 
"Add to Playlist" which adds to LMS playlists: Even when you select
Spotify: Playlist 1 playlists you will end up with 2 playlists named
exactly same but one will be local (with 1 added file) and one Spotify
(with all others)
And there is also: 
"Add to..."  (thats additional plugin related so no everyone will get
that) which also links to LMS Playlists and behaves same as "Add to

On a bright side "Add Track to Playlist"  is only present with Spotify
tracks..  (not local library)  so perhaps it could be renamed to  "Add
Track to Spotify Playlist" ??  Unless this is just how it comes from

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro on OSMC), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander,
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 with Material Skin (Docker in
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