olivaar wrote: 
> can VLC play DRM-Streams?
> i think the live streams are without DRM

They are doing something special - I see "OPTIONS" request being used -
not usual.

Normally for "awkward" streams, I advise to use PlayHLS V1  which uses
ffmpeg but even ffmpeg cannot play these streams and ffmpeg is the
engine within vlc.

> As I wrote, I could post links, but these are only valid during the live
> session.
that is the problem. It is a real pain to test and there is no guarantee
for exact same.

To update PlayHLS V2 to play these stream - need to determine what is
missing from mainstream player like ffmpeg, add it and then add video
support which is not going to be used just discarded !! a lot of effort
- not a quick fix - so it will not happen soon.  Only when time allows.

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