philchillbill wrote: 
> It is already automated - as the docs state: 'An entry in
> /opt/ ensures runs at system boot to
> continually refresh your tunnel details when you reboot.' This was done
> so you don't have to 'waste' a user-command on ngrok.
> The reason for the single manual run after initial setup is so that the
> user can see the tunnel URL mentioned when that script runs so as to use
> it during account-linking. By the time you run it manually, it has
> already run anyway but you missed its output which is normally
> irrelevant but needed when linking. Rather than telling you to run once
> manually, the docs could instead tell you to visit the :4040 web-page
> after rebooting the pi as the URL is mentioned there too. 
> Thanks to @chill, the script will soon do everything in a single pass
> without reboot, but it's not yet ready to go live as I also need to
> change some stuff in the cloud to handle an incoming URL potentially
> before the skill was linked.
> It will all get even easier very soon :cool:

Thanks for the explanation. :)

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