I have also added -a :::0 after getting a lot of re-buffering after an
update a month or two ago. But I still get occasional re-buffering. It
works 100% perfectly on streaming radio, but when playing my FLACs every
so often it locks up for about 30s, and eventually gets going again.
This happens infrequently (every day or two)

- everything is Ethernet wired 
- LMS 7.9.2 - 1578996832 on Pi4 - 4GB
- 2 x SB3s, SqueezeLite on Pi4, SqueezeLite on a Windows 10 PC (purely
to get Pay/Pause keys to work)
- all players sync'd
- Music via Pi's headphone output 
- 230GB FLAC library on USB stick in Pi

ExecStart=/usr/bin/squeezelite -o plughw:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0 -n
Pi_SqueezeliteService -C 5 -a :::0

Everything worked 100% perfectly until I did a full-upgrade on the Pi a
couple of months ago.

Any ideas?

SB3 -> Quad 909 -> Quad Electrostatic speakers, Quad 405 -> TBI
3 x SB3s + SB Radio
LMS on Raspbian on a Pi4
Rotel RSP1068 surround processor, Quad 707 -> B&W surround
rbl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4517
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=113867

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