Hi, I am using this plugin on my rpi4 with raspbian. 

Installed from Debian package.

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.1 - 1610364019 @ Thu Jan 14 06:24:07
CET 2021
Betriebssystem: Debian - DE - utf8
Plattformarchitektur: armv7l-linux
Perl-Version: 5.28.1 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
Datenbankversion: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)

I use gTTS python cli for tts. Because it outputs mp3 I had to adjust
the announceTTS.wav in the Plugin.pm in InstalledPluginsFolder.

Thats the current state.

Now my problem:

When my rpi is started and all services running I can use the
squeezeboxserver to play on all my players without a problem. But when I
trigger the LMSAnnounce API the music just stops and no sound is coming,
the resume to playlist seems also buggy.

The Logfile of LMS shows this:
[21-05-06 17:32:21.5945] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::handleJSONP (194)
volume specified: 60
[21-05-06 17:32:21.5954] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::handleJSONP (201)
handleJSONP cmd=announceTTS pid=ab:cd:ef:12:34:02 forcewake=
[21-05-06 17:32:21.5962] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::handleJSONP (210)
handleJSONP targetClient=ab:cd:ef:12:34:02
[21-05-06 17:32:21.5969] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::savePlaylistState
(374) savePlaylistState called
[21-05-06 17:32:21.5997] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::announceTTS (323)
announceTTS called: ttspreset=gtts text=Ansage: Test-Ansage
[21-05-06 17:32:21.6010] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::announceTTS (325)
announceTTS: preset={'options' => '-l de','output' => '-o','text' =>
'','cmd' => '/home/pi/.local/bin/gtts-cli'}
[21-05-06 17:32:21.6018] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::announceTTS (330)
announceTTS: command: /home/pi/.local/bin/gtts-cli -o /tmp/annTTS.mp3 -l
de  "Ansage: Test-Ansage"
[21-05-06 17:32:22.6038] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::announceFile
(342) announceFile called: file=/tmp/annTTS.mp3 targetvolume=60
[21-05-06 17:32:22.6233] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::__ANON__ (350)
announceFile: plid=1379
[21-05-06 17:32:22.6554] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::__ANON__ (357)
announceFile: time=85.8651892604828 repeat:0 targetvolume: 60
[21-05-06 17:32:22.7832]
Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (125) Warning:
file:///tmp/annTTS.mp3 found in playlist:
        file:///media/announceTTS.m3u doesn't exist on disk - skipping!
[21-05-06 17:32:22.7838]
Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (125) Warning:
file:///tmp/annTTS.mp3 found in playlist:
        file:///media/announceTTS.m3u doesn't exist on disk - skipping!
[21-05-06 17:32:22.8153]
Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::playlistStoppedCallback (262)
playlistStoppedCallback called for cmd playlist stop
[21-05-06 17:32:22.8160]
Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::playlistStoppedCallback (267)
playlistStoppedCallback: playerid=ab:cd:ef:12:34:02
tmppls=tempplaylist_abcdef123402 time=85.8651892604828 power=1
[21-05-06 17:32:22.8166]
Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::playlistStoppedCallback (276)
playlistStoppedCallback: playlist resume parms:
[21-05-06 17:32:23.0027] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::__ANON__ (278)
playlistStoppedCallback: resume done
[21-05-06 17:32:23.0429] Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::__ANON__ (285)
playlistStoppedCallback: deleting /tmp/annTTS.mp3
[21-05-06 17:32:23.0488]
Plugins::LMSannounce::Plugin::playlistLoadedCallback (298)
playlistLoadedCallback called for cmd playlist load_done

The warning in-between are the problematic point obviously. I don't know
how to fix this the good way... 
My investigation showed that, only if I restart the squeezeboxserver
services manually again via systemctl, the problem is gone. No warnings
nothing, everything works as intended afterwards. 

I already tried to disable the service and start the server by crontab
@reboot, but problem remains. After a manual restart of the service is
works again...

After a restart of the service it runs stable until I reboot the

Can you help me to figure out what to do to fix this?

Thank you very much

Best regards 


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