bpa wrote: 
> It won't be like tvheadend.
> Plugin installed in LMS. LMS runs on a server and Radioshark is plugged
> into server.
> RadioShark only support playing one frequency at a time.
> Squeezebox players use LMS to play stream.  
> The Radioshark plugin enable one player to tune the Radioshark hardware
> and play a single stream (not a http one) on the player. 
> Players can be synced to play same frequency on multiple players.

yeah its just one tuner so it be only one available. i use hdhomerun so
its several tuners.

ok so same frequency its possible. gotcha.

i was planning use ''radio streams'' to add to tivimate on android tv
like i did with tvheadend ones, so looks like those only work on
logitech devices because not are htpp ones?


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