cpd73 wrote: 
> Is this with LMS 8.2? I've (today) been updating Material to better
> handle the new podcast search from this. I can add the ability favourite
> a search result, but not favourite a podcast from the main listing.
> Search results return the URL required to add a favourite, but when just
> listing subscribed podcasts no URL is returned. Not sure why this is, or
> how the default skin can do this - but it uses (I think) a different
> API.

I'm using the latest LMS 8.2 nightly - just seen that you've been
updating Material so have installed the dev version. If I understand you
correctly I mean favourite the main listing; i.e. from the first result
returned by the search. In the example I gave, 'The Life Scientific',
the first result back is effectively a container for all the episodes of
'The Life Scientific'. Material can already favourite an individual
podcast - play a podcast and select 'Track/More' and in the left pane
there's an option 'Save to Favourites'. 

Looking at favourites.opml the container URL is...

As a test I put that URL into the Podcast plugin search field in
Material and it came back with the container so it looks like the
Default Skin is somehow finding the URL of the rss feed and allowing it
to be set as a favourite.

2 x Touch
2 x Radio
2 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 8.20 (from nightlies) on
Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
1 x iMac server running macOS Big Sur
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Focal Electra 1027 Be II Speakers
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