wtnh wrote: 
> I use Chrome on a Macbook Pro. Chrome is showing Version 91.0.4472.114
> (I think the latest). Mac is running Big Sur V11.4. I also have Avast
> and Malwarebytes running, but I did not get a pop-up when I did the
> download. I am guessing one of them silently renamed the file. I can
> poke around to see what did that (I am guessing MacOS).
> Thanks

I just tried it myself on a 2019 Mac running Big Sur, both in Chrome and
in Safari. Both browsers downloaded it as intended as setup.sh (Chrome
gave a warning in the bottom left corner of the screen, Safari gave a
popup, but neither changed the file name). So it's probably the
virusscanner that did it (there's none on this Mac).

Ya gotta love assuming automatically that any executable file somebody
wants to download must be a virus. Also cannot email .sh or .pwsh files
via Outlook :rolleyes:

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