Paul Webster wrote: 
> I don’t think the RPi will get the date/time from the Android phone
> without some sort of helper.
> However, adding a battery backed up RTC to the RPi is relatively cheap
> and very easy (unless it is competing for GPIO pins).
> Might need some work to have it running on pCP.
Thanks Paul. That RTC wouldn't fit in my Flirc case, but this one
possibly might (although could be a bit tight):

I wouldn't know where to start configuring pCP/ plugin to use the
RTC as the timesource - any advice?



- Synology D218+ running LMS 8.1.1 in Docker container
- 1 x Squeezebox Touch, 2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 x Squeezebox
  Receiver, Squeeze Player & Squeeze Ctrl apps on Galaxy Tab S5e &
  Galaxy A40
- Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB (with 7" Touchscreen in case & Flirc USB IR
  dongle) & Pi 4B 8GB in Flirc case, both running piCorePlayer 8.0.0 &
  LMS 8.1.1, connecting over Wi-fi to DS218+, or LMS library copy on 2TB
  USB hard drive plugged into Pi when no Wi-fi available
- LMS library of ALAC, ACC/M4A and MP3 files
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