cpd73 wrote: 
> When you click on the progressbar material sends a "time" command with
> the desired time in seconds. This is a documented LMS command. -If-
> Material is sending a correct value, then the issue is with LMS or the
> plugin. You can see what value Material is sending by using Material's
> JSON debugging and looking for lines with (e.g.) JSON REQ:
> ["aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",["time",190]]  -- this is seeking to (an absolute
> value of) 3 mins and 10 seconds.The strange thing is it does seek to the time 
> selected but there is no
sound on the Radio. I have since found that the radio does resume
playing after a long delay but no sound until I pause and unpause. This
only happens with the Global Player plugin.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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