Hello Craig,
I had to re-install Material Skin (Actual Version 2.6.2) with Kiwi
browser on my Pixel 5 with Android 11, September Patch, LMS Version:
8.2.1 - 1630708436 and now have problems to focus the touch inputs,
beause the screen scrolls away up or down when I touch it. I got the
same problem with Chrome browser.. It seems this is a problem with the
Android update because with two older Android versions (Version 9) and
even older CyanogenOS everything works fine. 

Is there something I can do or is this a Android bug?

Thanks in advance!


OS: Debian (Docker) - DE - utf8 /     Platform: x86_64-linux /
Perl-Version: 5.32.1 - x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi / Audio::Scan: 1.02
/  IO::Socket::SSL: 2.069 /   Database: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite

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