cpd73 wrote: 
> There is code to pause/resume playback when a call is received. However,
> I'm not sure how well this works in practice - so perhaps it should just
> be removed. Even if it does work, its not something I personally see the
> use of...

Pausing music when a call is received is big for me. I also use squeeze
cntrl which has this feature as well, so I don't know which is doing the
pausing all of the time (so I can't vouch that the material apk
functions flawlessly).

I often have music or podcasts playing, often quite loud, when I am on
my feet moving around, say cleaning, remodeling, painting, workshop,
etc. When the phone rings, it's nice to not have to scramble to try to
turn the music down before answering, or, answering and saying "HOLD ON

With podcasts, you are listening to a story, so pausing on ring is very
helpful. Saves your spot.

The last thing is that material/squeeze cntrl knows a few seconds before
the phone is about to ring. Perhaps because my phone is vibrate first.
It's nice because when the music stops, you can expect the call (put the
tool down, etc)

Thought I would give an endorsement of this feature since you mentioned
removing it.

Thanks again for all you do for us Craig...material is a game changer.


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