I have searched this forum for possible answers without success, but if
it has been dealt with feel free to point me in the right direction.
Until then ….

I run pCp 8 with LMS on an Rpi4, but cannot connect it successfully to
my DAC, a Furutech ADL GT40a (this last character is a small Greek
alpha) with USB input. It does find it but apparently can't handle the
name (I think).

When connected to any of the USB sockets (usb 2 or usb 3) on my Rpi4,
the following happens when selecting USB Audio and choosing the DAC from
the list of devices exposed :

DAC name in Squeezelite shows:     hw:CARD=GT40�,DEV=0  (note the
unusual symbol)

There are further iterations of this device name on the page, but I
cannot get that screenshot onto this post, for some reason.

When I go to 'Save' in Squeezelite an error message “Please match the
requested format” appears next to the Output Setting box,  as if it
cannot handle one or more of the characters in the name.
If I make a simple change to the saved name in 'Output Setting' (eg
removing the symbol) Squeezelites saves it, backs up the change, but
will not restart (not unexpectedly).

I have tried replacing the symbol with the Arial character map symbol
(small greek alpha) but this is also rejected by the Squeezelite page,
before saving.

Picoreplayer in USB Audio mode works fine when I select a USB-based
bluetooth extender option (not currently connected), which plays to my
bt headphones, so the problem is not with the Rpi4 USB.
As a further check I have installed and run Moode 7.41 with this DAC, on
the same Rpi4, and it works fine – found immediately and plays very
well, so I don't think the problem is related to drivers or to a basic
Linux issue.

I am fairly sure that the symbol in the DAC name is the problem. On my
Eunhasu SMS200 streamer, which includes LMS+Squeezelite, this problem
also occurred and was cured/corrected by the Eunhasu engineers making a
change to how their implementation of Squeezelite handled the unusual

I would not expect the developers here to make a special change in
pCp/Squeezelite but could the problem be overcome by my writing a change
into a config or other file? For example could the  symbol be seen as
another character, one that Squeezelite is happy with? 
I realise that getting Squeezelite to accept a modified name may not
allow Squeezelite to then talk back to the device, so my idea may not be
the right approach, but any relevant suggestions are welcome.

nickhews's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67980
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115384

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