Version 5.0 of MediaServer is now live and automatically deployed when
you use the skill. The Amazon app will -not -list it as updated as there
were no changes to the voice model — however, there are many, many
changes to the code:

* First off, most *spoken responses* are quite a bit *shorter*. For
example, if you ask to play something that targets the assumed player,
the response no longer mentions "... on the bla bla player" since that's
pretty implicit. Playback/stream responses now usually start with a
verb, and superfluous information is skipped (e.g. if an album name
includes the artist's name — Bob Seger's Greatest Hits — there's not
much point in saying that it's  "... by Bob Seger".

* It can take anything from 300ms to 3 seconds to start up the
/stream.mp3 network client in LMS. That is a blocking delay because the
playlist cannot be queued until the player is created. The spoken
response from Alexa (which also blocks your audio from starting because
it has to finish before the music starts) is now sent *asynchronously
*so that your hear the speech while the player is still being created in
parallel. This makes streaming much snappier.

* The *ListFavorites *command(s) now show the favorite number and the
associated dotted-ID (in addition to the favorite-name) on Echos with
screens. In the screenshot above, the favorite number is in orange, the
dotted notation is in blue, while unplayable items such as folders are
dimmed with a red strikethru over the notation.

* There's a new *sorting rule* for favorites (still based on the default
skin), whereby nested folders are exhaustively extracted before popping
back up a level to the next item there. This provides consistency up to
1000 items per nested folder and makes the numbering 100% predictable.
When counting favorites manually, as soon as you see a folder, go into
it and keep counting everything there (and below!) before moving back
upwards in the hierarchy. It'll be obvious on your Echo's screen.

* Asking to *play a song by name* now first queues the oldest match in
your library with the shortest name, which is usually the *original*.
Say you have 10 versions of 'Valerie' by Steve Winwood, where 5 are
called just 'Valerie', 2 are called 'Valerie (Radio Edit)', one is
called 'Valerie (Extended Mix)', and 2 are called 'Valerie (Live)'. The
original 'Valerie' from Talking Back to the Night will play first. Next,
one each of the Live, Extended and Radio Edit will be randomly selected
and those 3 will be auto-shuffled. Meaning that 4 tracks will be queued.
So the version you are probably after will always play first rather than
a Live or Remix variant. Player shuffle being active -will -override
this as the -original-first-and-then-Fisher-Yates-shuffle- is actually
done by the skill and not LMS (it queues an array of track_id's).

* Play/Stream *song-index-from-album* now only queues the track in
question, rather than first loading the whole album it's from and
jumping to that track. This results in artwork on Echos while streaming
because that makes sense in the context of a single track.

* Play/stream *playlist *commands have the same asynchronous speech as
mentioned above for network clients, as they can also take noticeably
longer before LMS processes them.

* Playback commands that* match many artists* (e.g. play something by
'Bob' while forgetting to add 'Dylan' or 'Seger') will now show all the
matched artist names on your Echo's screen to help you narrow things

* Album/Song mismatches between *requested/actual artist* will now
display results with coverart on your screen to help guide your choice.
If you ask to play the album 'Abacab' by 'The Beatles' you'll see the
retrieved cover art and metadata in addition to hearing that the
matched-artist is actually Genesis. This is deliberately shown with a
smaller image than the now-playing screen to avoid confusion, but
becomes now-playing size if you choose to accept the correction.

* The *background image* for the Now-Playing screen has been changed to
provide better legibility of textual metadata against the backdrop.

** Fuzzy matching* of artists has been noticeably improved due to making
even more round-trips to LMS if needed.

* Many commands make more use of the screen than they used to. Also,
text is more *responsive *to the size and shape/aspect-ratio of your
Echo's display.


|Filename: listFav.png                                              |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=36260|

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