First off, big thank you for all your work continuing to keep the
Squeeze environment current over the years - it seems like you have
supported additional features for longer than Logitech supported the
original product.

The screen shot was from IPeng.  But it’s the same on web UI.
When you select the radio station on the IHeart plugin, it adds all 4
feeds to playlist.  I attach a similar screen grab from the webUI.
Reading the above posts, you suggest to use the HLS streams rather than
shoutcast?  I’ll skip forward in future.  I can also confirm that as of
this morning, the HLS stream is displaying either the station name or
the advertiser (for the most part) whereas the shoutcast stream is
scrolling raw tags and not being parsed except for tracks sometimes.  
I’ll leave it running on HLS but it already looks much better then the
shoutcast streams.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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