Labarum wrote: 
> ....
> I do have a 128GB USB stick I was looking at it a couple of hours ago.
> It's a button rather than a stick so would sit close up to the case of
> the rPi. That is another way to do it - I suppose the data store does
> not have to be as fast as the microSD card. Doing that means I do not
> have to mess with the Boot Disk. (Except to make sure I have a backup!)
> Knowledgeable opinions would be welcome.

You will certainly get some knowledgeable opinions. Mine, however, is
more opinion than knowledge. I prefer to have the music on a usb flash
drive and the operating system on the SD card. I think (but could easily
be wrong) that in that case the usb drive is SLIGHTLY less likely to
corrupted than the SD card in the event of a power interruption. Both
need to be backed up, though.

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.
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