Shozzer wrote: 
> The disc name functionality has great potential and it would be
> extremely useful if there was an option to collapse the list to just
> display the track titles (see previous posts). I know that you are
> unsure about adding this due to it not being in line with other parts of
> Material but for classical box sets this really would be a boon. I have
> recently acquired the complete Schubert songs which is a 40 disc set
> with over 800 tracks. Other classical box sets contain many discs and
> being able to collapse/expand the list would be really helpful with
> navigation.

Been thinking about this, andI think what I can do is; for multi-disc
albums show only disc titles, when clicking on a title then show track
list for that disc, etc. Now the question is: do I add a config item to
toggle this on/off, or always do this when more than (e.g.) 200 tracks?
I'm leaning towards the auto-enabling based upon track count.

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