chaug wrote: 
> I don't see how the speed of my commands is a source of error. I speak
> at the same pace as you do in your demonstration video (which is good,
> btw. Very nice to get an idea of the app). Besides, there is not much
> pacing involved in "Alexa shuffle" or "Alexa, next". Background noise
> can be safely excluded too when I'm in the room by myself, with no noise
> source anywhere and my standing about half a meter away from the Echo
> dot. There is something else going on here.
> I will check the test-player next time when the echo dot doesn't want to
> play something. 
> I suppose it's not a big problem when the custom names for my echo dots
> don't persist. The reason I was trying to do it was so that I don't have
> to remember which is which player when I'm testing things. I didn't
> think that the players announce their name to the server but rather that
> the server remembers the association between Name and MAC address, so it
> looked like something else might be wrong.
> That a playlist cannot be shuffled before starting playback is a bummer.
> I'm trying to work around that by concatenating the stream command +
> Alexa shuffle + Alexa next (in an Alexa routine) but it doesn't work
> because whatever comes after "playlist" is interpreted as part of the
> name of the playlist. And Alexa doesn't allow two actions with the same
> skill in one routine. So it really looks like there is no way of getting
> a playlist played in random order without manually issuing the commands
> every time.

Of the 14 Echos I've owned over time, two had microphones go bad so
Alexa misinterpreted a lot of my commands (they were both 2nd generation
Echo Dots). That might be your issue too because I agree there's not
much can go wrong with just saying 2 words. You can try 'Simon Says'
with a longish sentence (she reads back what you say). For example,
"Alexa, Simon Says this is a test of the microphone in my device". If
the audio stutters, you know you have a hardware problem.

Network Clients don't have a MAC address. The playerId of a player is
indeed usually its MAC address but in the case of a network client, the
playerId is the text after the ?player=-whatever -in the /stream.mp3

I might be able to add a 'shuffled' qualifier to the StreamPlaylist
command. That would have to be an an exact syntax where you'd say
'stream the playlist -whatever- *shuffled*'. Not a natural flow of words
but it would work. I'll do all that after the current certification
submission passes because I can't touch the live skill at the moment or
risk rejection. Amazon normally certifies in 1-2 days but it's been over
a week already so they are apparently slow due to Covid understaffing.

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