I notice that the bliss mixer seems to handle multiple genre tags (for
example I have some songs tagged as Folk/Country or Soul/Blues etc) and
bliss seems to be able to fit these tracks into either a blues or soul
mix which is neat. I don't think MIP could ever do that and would only
ever read one tag.

I've been listening all afternoon and I like the balance of the mix that
bliss generates. Thanks for your work on this Craig, for me, I think
this is the way forward.

A minor question, when I initially did my analysis I noticed that it
flagged 5 tracks out of >10k that could not be analysed, I think MIP did
the same and the reason was the tracks were either too short or silence
- I assume bliss has similar rules, is there a way to tell why these
files were skipped?

location 1: lms 8.3 on win 10 brix server, x3 sb radios, x1 touch, x1
controller : location 2: lms 8.3 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1
duet receiver, x1 controller : alexa mediaserver smart skill, material
android, squeezelitex control
staresy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=807
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