Apologies if this question is buried somewhere in this thread, but I
could not find it...

If I want to play all tracks from a given year, and select "My Music",
"Years", "YYYY" - then I only see albums deemed to be of that year.  So
let's say I select 1997 for example, I'll see all albums with all tracks
having that date, and some albums (maybe compilations) that LMS has
labelled with the year - possibly based on the first track, or whatever
logic it happens to use.

But in reality there may be other albums with tracks spanning a range of
years that I will never see here. Now that's fair enough, because you
can't easily label an album as multi-year in the interface, but if I
want to play all tracks from that year, in the default skin there's the
"All Tracks" option which does exactly that.

Is it possible to do the same in the Material Skin and play all tracks
from that year?

I seem to be able to achieve the same using Dynamic playlists, but I
think the "All Tracks" option's a lot easier.

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