Paul Webster wrote: 
> Ah - if it is all related to entries in the queue after the currently
> playing item then it is something that I know about.
> The plugin code never expected to be called by LMS for things not
> currently playing so it tramples over stuff.
> I need to find a way to ignore those other calls.

Paul Webster wrote: 
> I thought that the problem that was being discussed was excessive CPU
> usage. That is why I wanted to know more.
> Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The CPU usage thing was for Quobuz, and that discussion started right are a busy guy Paul...:)

But I think you are ion to it. Here is my original post:
RobbH described it well, but from my post, what was more apparent was
the artwork and song/artist info being incorrect and seemingly adopted
from a different station in the queue. I did notice song progress
anomalies though, for example:

Add (RNP) JB Radio to the queue and play. Progress/duration X;XX/Y:YY
acts as normal
Add (RNP) Mother Earth to the queue (don't play). The progress for JB
Radio playing starts switching between X:XX/Y:YY and A:AA/B:BB where A/B
are the values for mother earth. The blue progress bar goes back and
forth, in fact, the duration value next to JBRadio (top of the queue)
switches back and forth. The switch frequency does not appear
consistent, but it is at least under 1-2 seconds.


PS - I am not sure that LMS (not RNP) likes multiple stations in the
queue anyhow. I started my experiment yesterday with all non-RNP
stations in the queue, and while they all played and did not swap
artwork, I did get artwork/song info "freeze" (display song from the
past and never change). I need to run it again to make sure it wasn't
the station, but I believe I saw it with more than 1 station.

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