Part 2
$Script:TrackErr = 0
$Changes = 0
$LstChanges = 0
$TracksChanged = 0
$LstLocation = $Null
$Trackstat_ItemsCount = 0

Msg "Checking for deltas with iTunes ..."

foreach ($Trackstat_Item in $Trackstat_Items) { # Loop over
Trackstat items 
$Trackstat_ItemsCount += 1
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Trackstat_Item.location) { #
File exists at Trackstat Location                   
$Index = $Null
$Index = $HashTable[$Trackstat_Item.location]
If ($Index) {
$Itunes_Track = $Null
$Itunes_Track = $Itunes_Tracks[$Index] # Get the
iTunes ComObject Track from hash
if ($Itunes_Track) {
if ($Trackstat_Item.title -eq
$Itunes_Track.Name) {
if ($Trackstat_Item.change -eq 'rated') { #
if ($Itunes_Track.Rating -ne
[int]$Trackstat_Item.rating) {
Msg "[$($Trackstat_Item.location)]
Rating change from [$($Itunes_Track.Rating)] to
[$([int]$Trackstat_Item.rating)]" $True 'DarkCyan'
if (-not $debug) {
$Itunes_Track.Rating = [int]$Trackstat_Item.rating }
$Changes += 1 
} # rating changed
} # change is 'rated'
elseif ($Trackstat_Item.change -eq 'played')
{ # played
$PlayedDate =
([Datetime]::ParseExact($Trackstat_Item.playedDate, 'yyyyMMddHHmmss',
if ($PlayedDate -gt
($Itunes_Track.PlayedDate.AddHours(2))) { # PlayedDate TrackStat >
# PlayedDate                        

Msg "[$($Trackstat_Item.location)]
PlayedDate change from [$($Itunes_Track.PlayedDate.ToString())] to
[$($PlayedDate.ToString())]" $True 'DarkCyan'
if (-not $debug) {
$Itunes_Track.PlayedDate = $PlayedDate.AddHours(-2) } # Dont now why
this is necessary, Timezone Germany 
$Changes += 1     
# Unplayed
if ($Itunes_Track.Unplayed) {
if (-not $debug) {
$Itunes_Track.Unplayed = $False }
"[$($Trackstat_Item.location)] Unplayed set to false, is:
[$($Itunes_Track.Unplayed)]" $True 'DarkCyan'
$Changes += 1 
} # iTunes Unplayed
# PlayedCount
if ([int]$Trackstat_Item.PlayedCount
-gt 0) { # PlayedCount mit übergeben
if ($Itunes_Track.PlayedCount) {
# iTunes has PlayedCount
([int]$Trackstat_Item.PlayedCount -gt $Itunes_Track.PlayedCount) {
"[$($Trackstat_Item.location)] PlayedCount change from
[$($Itunes_Track.PlayedCount)] to [$([int]$Itunes_Track.PlayedCount)]"
$True 'DarkCyan'
if (-not $debug) {
$Itunes_Track.PlayedCount = [int]$Trackstat_Item.playedCount }
$Changes += 1
} # iTunes has PlayedCount
else { # iTunes has no
if (-not $debug) {
$Itunes_Track.PlayedCount = 1 }
"[$($Trackstat_Item.location)] PlayedCount set to 1, is:
[$($Itunes_Track.PlayedCount)]" $True 'DarkCyan'
$Changes += 1
} # iTunes has no PlayedCount
} # Trackstat counts more played
than iTunes
} # Trackstat delivers PlayedCount >
else { # Trackstat do not deliver
PlayedCount > 0
if ($Itunes_Track.PlayedCount) {
# iTunes hat PlayedCount > 0
"[$($Trackstat_Item.location)] PlayedCount increment from
[$($Itunes_Track.PlayedCount)] to [$($Itunes_Track.PlayedCount+1)]"
$True 'DarkCyan'
if (-not $debug) {
$Itunes_Track.PlayedCount = $Itunes_Track.PlayedCount+1 }
$Changes += 1
} # iTunes hat PlayedCount > 0
else { # iTunes hat kein
PlayedCount > 0
if (-not $debug) {
$Itunes_Track.PlayedCount = 1 }
"[$($Trackstat_Item.location)] PlayedCount set to 1, is:
[$($Itunes_Track.PlayedCount)]" $True 'DarkCyan'
$Changes += 1
} # iTunes has no PlayCount > 0
} # Trackstat do not deliver
PlayedCount > 0
} # TrackStat Playeddate is newer then
iTunes PlayedDate
} # Change is 'played'
else { 
Msg "Unknown Change Type:
[$($Trackstat_Item.change)]"  $True 'Red'
$Script:TrackErr += 1
} # Title match
else { 
Msg "Title Mismach on Track
[$($Trackstat_Item.location)] Trackstst:[$($Trackstat_Item.title)]
iTunes:[$($Itunes_Track.Name))]" $True 'Red' 
$Script:TrackErr += 1
} # Found Track Location in HashTable 
else { 
Msg "iTunes Track with Index [$index] not found:
[$($Trackstat_Item.location)]"  $True 'Red'
$Script:TrackErr += 1
} # Index ok
elseif (
) { 
Msg "[$($Trackstat_Item.location)] not found in
iTunes Hashtable"  $True 'Red'
$Script:TrackErr += 1
} # File in ItunesMediaFolder but not Indexed
else { # File not indexed and but not in
Msg "[$($Trackstat_Item.location)] not in iTunes
iTunesMediaFolder, ignored." $False 'Yellow'
} # File not indexed and but not in ItunesMediaFolder
} # File exists at Trackstat Location 
else { 
Msg "Cannot find File at Trackstat Location:
[$($Trackstat_Item.location)]"  $True 'Red' 
$Script:TrackErr += 1

# Some Statistics
if (($Changes -gt $LstChanges) -and
($Trackstat_Item.location -ne $LstLocation )){
$TracksChanged += 1
if ( ($TracksChanged % 3000) -eq 0 ) { # Alle 3000
Tracks eine Pause machen, damit iTunes wegschreiben kann, Fehler traten
ab ca. 5000 auf.
msg "Sleeping for 60 s (every 3000 tracks changed)
for giving iTunes a chance to save Changes ..."
sleep 60
}# Alle 3000 Änderungen eine Pause machen, damit iTunes
wegschreiben kann, Fehler traten ab ca. 5000 auf.
} # New Track
$LstLocation = $Trackstat_Item.location
$LstChanges = $Changes

} # Loop over Trackstat items 

Msg "Finished syncing $Trackstat_ItemsCount Trackstat Items.
$Changes Changes on $TracksChanged Tracks to iTunes, $Script:TrackErr

#if ((-not $debug) -and (-not $Script:TrackErr)) { 
if (-not ($debug -and $Script:TrackErr)) { 
msg "Removing $iTunes_Update_file"
Remove-Item "$iTunes_Update_file" 
} # Import File löschen außer Debug und kein Fehler aufgetreten

# Save change Date of iTunes Library
$global:LstHTtime =  (Get-Date).AddMinutes(1)  #(Get-Item
Msg "HashTable Timestamp set to
if (-not $Script:TrackErr -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath
$TrackStat_Workfilename)) {
Msg "Remove $TrackStat_Workfilename"
Remove-item $TrackStat_Workfilename
} # cleanup

Msg "Disposing iTunes ComObject"
$null =
Remove-Variable itunes

} # Something todo, Trackstat -> iTunes File exists
#else {Msg "No Change"}   

} until (-not $Loop -or $debug) # Loop
Msg "$ScriptName finished." $True 
EO Part 2

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