
I’ve had a go recently with CamillaDSP.  It seems like a really powerful
piece of software.  I stopped using it mainly because I couldn’t
configure it to keep my different radios synced...  which was a major
downside for me.

Also, during my quest for sound correction/room correction, I have found
multiple ways to do it,  along with ressources for code that could be
borrowed ! I hope it can help!

IMHO The best implementation could be one that mixes the different
solutions, a mix of server side / client, depending on the capabilities
of the clients.

Server side:
• Inguz
• BruteFIR
• C3PO (only certain file types..)
• CamillaDSP as you propose

Player side:
• With a hardware DSP (ie hifiberry’s DSP card)
• AlsaEqual (which can be configured as a parametric EQ - hifiberryoS
has a beautiful UI for adjusting EQ - software DSP is possible but
disabled by default 
It was tested by a forum member in PcP 
• SoX - it was discussed that SoX could be used as a parametric EQ,
there is even pcp-sox.tcz available on PcP -although I wouldn’t know
what to do to integrate it with squeezelite.  It seems like some
rewriting of squeezelite would be necessary as Squeezelite uses SoXr to
• CamillaDSP in an audio loop- it looses sync with other players.

CamillaDSPs strength are undeniable: adaptative loudness would be very
interesting, upsampling, dithering, remote configuration and the
possibility to mix different outputs: high pass through the sound card
to the speakers, low pass to the sub through earphone jack...  it will
bring LogitechMedia Server to a whole new level.  Especially if we can
modify the settings with hardware controls.

Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk

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