I've been running Shadowplay (permanent) for about a year now on Fedora
5 using my SB3 as the remote player (i.e. connects to the stereo) and
my SB1 as the local player (i.e. it controls the SB1). I'm using SS ver
6.5.1. In addition to my local library, I use SS to play internet radio,
especially CBC Radio 2 which streams in Windows format. No problems --
worked perfectly.

Then a couple of weeks ago the on-off switch on my linux box broke and
it took me a few days to fix it. So, in the meantime, I ran SS off my
Windows machine. When the linux box was back online I switched back
over but now I can no longer get it to play WMA radio stations when the
SB1 is connected. Nothing in the setup has changed except, I suppose,
for the firmware. But now, when the SB1 is connected, it's as if it,
rather than the SB3, is limiting the filetypes that can be played. If I
disconnect the SB1 then the SB3 can play those WMA stations just fine. 

I know I could install Mplayer or something similar to be able to
decode WMA on the linux server rather than in the Squeezebox, but I
shouldn't have to. Why the switch in behaviour? Is there a way to
downgrade the firmware on the SB3 to see if that really is the


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