I've been using SqueezeScrobbler on 7.0 for a while for my 'real'
players and it works great.  I've had the new 'official' version
disabled because it causes double submissions.

However... now I'm trying to stream remotely and have it be
scrobbled.  This seems to be a problem.

When I select my virtual player in the web Setup interface, there is
a Last.FM/SqueezeScrobbler setup screen but nothing in the drop down
menu, unlike the 'real' players which are populated with 'Default'
and my username.  There is also a "Enable SqueezeScrobbler on this
player" checkbox, but checking it has no effect - likely because
there is no user entered via the drop down, and no way to enter one.

The logs show that SqueezeScrobbler 'sees' the track, but then bails
because the player is not setup to scrobble. Log excerpt follows
this post.

Is this by design, or a bug?  This virtual player is static, in that
I use it a lot from work and it's on a static IP, so it's named in
the Web interface and is pretty much a 'permanent' virtual.

I also decided to see how the official Scrobbler plugin supported
it, but there is no setup information in the interface for either
the plugin or the player, so I am confused as to how this plugin
gets configured.  I know this must have worked in the past, because
at one point I had the double-submission problem I mentioned

Running slimserver-2007_12_05-1 via RPM install on Fedora Core 6.


[16:51:22.8926] Plugins::SqueezeScrobbler::Scrobbler::Track::catchup
(299) Track Down The Hall From The Mountain King - Li'l Cap'n T
ravis has reached its play threshold

[16:51:22.8938] Plugins::SqueezeScrobbler::Scrobbler::submitter
(1448) Following track is ready to submit:

(442) Artist: Almost There Records - Turn 3

(443) Track: Down The Hall From The Mountain King - Li'l Cap'n

(444) Album: Almost There Records - Turn 3
(446) Original Filename:

(448) Duration in seconds: 172.398

(460) Time showing on stopwatch: 86.199

(461) Remaining time: 0

(468) Current state of Track object: READY

Plugins::SqueezeScrobbler::Scrobbler::getSessionForClient (692)
scrobbling disabled for this client

[16:51:22.9063] Plugins::SqueezeScrobbler::Scrobbler::submitter
(1459) Client has no available Session - cancelling track
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