erland;273535 Wrote: 
> Thanks, a max-width on the div seems to take care of the problem. The
> only issue is that now I have the pixel size hardcoded in my plugin
> which I suspect might cause problem when flipping the iPod 90 degrees
> since the with then probably should be larger.
No. I nailed down the size so it will just scale when flipping the
> I'm not sure this is needed when I have the max-width on the content
> area div.
No, just two alternative ways to do it...
> tapblockFull doesn't seem to work when the link is enclosed into a div,
> in this case tapblock works better.
It does not work, if the div is formatted. Width doesn't hurt, height,
margin, padding do. tapblockFull tries to expand the link to the size
of the row but that does not work if it can't scale that. I just
noticed I'm having a similar issue on the LastFM file for the
favorites: since the icons determine the row height the link does not
fill the whole row (cosmetic detail in this case)

This issue is what I invented the "textlink" for. If you use that, it
will wrap the link around whatever content is in the containeritem and
thus you can do whatever you like there (OK, absoplutely positioned
floaters will still drop out...). So if you are prepared to give up on
commonality that would be an alternative.


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