Hi, thanks for the great plugin.  I'm curious if there are any
outstanding issues related to Softsqueeze/SC 7.01 under Windows Vista. 
Are there any plans for SC to support last.FM entirely in SC
7.x/Squeezenetwork (without the need of this plugin)?  I know this just
happened to the Sirius Radio Plugin.

My last question is a bit off topic, but I know there are a lot of
smart people who watch this thread...

I could be wrong, but there currently is no good way to have "Now
Playing on SqueezeCenter" information relayed to Internet Chat programs
like Trillian.  Is there a clever way to somehow taking advantage of the
information being sent to LastFM AudioScrobbler to be sent to chat

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=38845

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