Excellent plugin! This suits my uses of my Duet/SB3 pair very well. I
was getting mildly irritated by how often I found myself having to
switch between players to do something, and then back again.

The kitchen SBR usually gets killed by the microwave and if the
living-room is sync'd it gets killed too. With the Other Players menu I
can cancel the sync (without having to change player first); or I can
just send/grab the playlist from the kitchen to the living-room.

Also, I find it handy to be able to power-up/down a player without
having to switch to it.

(Aside: sometimes my SB3 gets into a strange state where it appears to
be off (both on its display and on the SBC) and yet it's playing. 
Pressing the on button (on either remote) at this point can be risky;
e.g. earlier today, Other Players showed the SB3's power as unchecked
but sync was checked. When I checked the power box, it turned the SB3
off properly, which silenced it and cancelled its sync with the SBR.
IIRC, the menu didn't update the sync status to off until I left it and
returned. If I use the webiface or another remote to sync or unsync,
would Other Players detect & reflect it immediately, or does it just
check the status on entry?)

It looks as though "sync with B" means "get B to play what I'm
playing", which fits in with other SBC behaviour.  Would it be possible
to add a "sync from B" option as well (so that the current player starts
singing to B's tune, as it were)?

Many thanks for writing and sharing this plugin.

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie
Brian Ritchie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2319
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