Quoting Michael Herger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> > But now I get that basic layout multiplied three time horizontally and
> > then mashed all together because it's not truncating properly.
> The basic layout or just one item? Could you please upload a screenshot? And 
> verify your configuration. What player type are you using?

I just came here to search for the exact same thing - same issue
here, had it for a while.  I was running a slightly older version of
the plugin, and I updated it to the latest today to try to solve the
problem and it didn't. Running 7.2 on Linux, SB3.  Haven't tried it
on any of my other players yet, the SB3 is the one I use most often.

The player settings interface shows the settings exactly as I want
them - it's the player itself that is showing it incorrectly.

The SB3 doesn't seem to be reflecting my wishes for screensavers at
all, actually - when off it's blank, unlike the settings screen says
it should be, showing WeatherTime.  There's nothing in the standard
logs - haven't tried the debugging yet.
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