Hercules;345317 Wrote: 
> I'm not that familiar with plugins but have worked out how to install it
> (i.e. unzip - if using Windows - to the "C:\Program
> Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Slim\Plugin" folder)
> It now shows - and is ticked - on the Plugins tab but I can't work out
> how to use it! Which option do I use on the web front-end or remote
> controller (for a Squeezebox)?
> I have restarted SqueezeCenter to see if that made it pop up anywhere
> but I haven't yet found it!

You should actually install it to 

C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Plugins

as this location is meant for user installed plugins. The location you
have used is meant for Squeezecenter's built in plugins. (I don't know
if getting the location wrong alters how a plugin works.)

Once you have it installed correctly you should find a new menu item
under Internet Radio in both the player menus and in the web


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