smagnuson;371232 Wrote: 
> First, thank you for creating and maintaining a fantastic plugin.  I've
> used it for a couple of years now on my SB3.
> I just acquired a Boom for my bedside table, and I set the Standby Font
> to "Full Narrrow", and set the SDT display as shown below.  This gives
> me what I'm looking for:  The ability to see the time from across the
> room (time is full size) and see the temperature on the Boom when I'm
> in bed.
> One thing, though:  When the standby font and SDT are set up in this
> way, the alarm icon is ALSO full size (same size as the time).  The SDT
> "update asterisk" is also super-sized.  
> Is there any way to set up SDT in the way I described and return the
> alarm icon to normal size?  I'm thinking it's possible because the Date
> and Time screensaver that comes with SqueezeCenter allows you to display
> the time full size and the alarm icon is normal size in the upper right
> corner.
> Thanks again for a wonderful plug-in.
Hey Steve-

Thanks for the feedback.  It's interesting to hear how everyone
configures the plugin.  Speaking of which, maybe we should start a new
thread on the various SDT screen configurations people are using with
screen shots/captures...

On the surface one wouldn't think the code supporting SDT's
functionality would be that complicated.  But to get everything to work
right for various players and fonts with the flexibility the plugin
offers using the display APIs can be tricky.  

I don't have time or patience to test all the possible configuration
permutations.  While doing a simple fix for one issue I often introduce
other less obvious ones.  I personally use the two line font with the
smaller top text so that one get's the most testing/attention.  The
single line large font often needs special logic to be added.  I'll
have to take a look to see how the overlays are handled on it.


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