egd;383100 Wrote: 
> Re artwork, if I recall correctly SC looks for folder.jpg and/ or
> cover.jpg, so it might make sense to make those the first two files
> searched for.  In any event, a configurable default or filespec would
> make sense and shorten scan times eg. in my collection it's folder.jpg
> or it doesn't exist, regardless of what other jpg's may reside in the
> same folder.
OK I'll make it configurable what to look for.

> I noticed the clear database option is missing in the latest version -
> any plans to reincorporate?
It is there in 1.0.13 I think - in mine it is anyway! I didn't take it

> Would be useful to make the "Import" function a button so that it's
> readily visible as something that's clickable.
It is more visible now, in the database page.

> data integration (artist biography, album reviews) would
> be lovely (even if opt-in paid/ license fee).

I'll look at allmusic again but they did not provide an API last time I
checked. And yes, it may be subscription only.

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