w42;384292 Wrote: 
> Took me some time to find description for it, but here goes:
> http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SqueezeCenter_Repositories_Developers
> Looks like the mkrepo.pl is basically all that is needed:
> http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/PluginDevTools
> This looks much easier than I though :-D

Its a major pain, if you use google code to store the repository file
then you are screwed as they dont allow you to delete a file only
depreciate it!  So you would need to rename it each change.  Since the
Extension downloader needs a static filename you will need to find
anything provider to host the file, or bare the cost out of your own
pocket.  Dont forget that each install will poll the server for the xml
file daily?? so traffic can add up. 

Would be nice if Logitech setup a "secure" dev area for these
repository files.


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