SC lists the Artist count in my library as 4360.

CustomBrowse shows these counts on my library (26,208 songs):
- Artists: 4360
- Artist Sortnames: 3379
- Album Artists: 1312
- Album Artist Sortnames: 1579
- Track Artists: 653

I could explain the differences between -Artists- and -Artist
Sortnames-, -Album Artists- and -Album Artist Sortnames- by not having
tagged all sortnames (though I wonder why I have more -Album Artist
Sortnames- than -Album Artists-.

Still, it seems I don’t fully understand the differences between
-Artists-, -Track Artists-, and -Album Artists-. For example, I would
have considered a "Track Artist" being essentially the same as an
"Artist" because (s)he appears on "tracks". The numbers above seem to
indicate something else.

- How exactly are the numbers calculated?
- Why don’t I have as many -Track Artists- as I have -Artists-?
  They are per track, aren’t they?
- What exactly is considered an -Artist-?
- What exactly is considered an -Album Artist-? (Just from the tag,
  or from some SC "assumptions"?)
- What exactly is considered a -Track Artist-?

If someone could come up with an explanation that’s both
"enduser-understandable" plus lets me understand the technical (SC/CB)
background, I’d be really delighted. Thanks in advance.


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